and Semipartial correlations
Does parent socioeconomic status cause better grades?
Potential confound: Peer relationships
\[\large \hat{Y} = b_0 + b_1X_1 + b_2X_2 + \dots+b_kX_k\]
This is ultimately where we want to go. Unfortunately, it’s not as simply as multiplying the correlation between Y and each X by the ratio of their standard errors and stringing them together.
\[\large R^2 = \frac{s^2_{\hat{Y}}}{s^2_Y}\] \[\large = \frac{SS_{\text{Regression}}}{SS_Y}\]
Pearson product moment correlation
Semi-partial correlation
\[\large sr_1 = r_{Y(1.2)} = \frac{r_{Y1}-r_{Y2}r_{12}}{\sqrt{1-r^2_{12}}}\]
\[\large sr_1^2 = R^2_{Y.12}-r^2_{Y2}\]
\(R_{Y.12}\) – The correlation of Y with the (best) linear combination of X1 and X2.
\(r_{Y(1.2)}\) – the semi-partial correlation of Y with X1 controlling for X2
Pearson product moment correlation
Semi-partial correlation
Partial correlation
\[\large pr_1=r_{Y1.2} = \frac{r_{Y1}-r_{Y2}r_{{12}}}{\sqrt{1-r^2_{Y2}}\sqrt{1-r^2_{12}}} = \frac{r_{Y(1.2)}}{\sqrt{1-r^2_{Y2}}}\]
\(R_{Y.12}\) – The correlation of Y with the (best) linear combination of X1 and X2.
\(r_{Y(1.2)}\) – the semi-partial correlation of Y with X1 controlling for X2
\(r_{Y1.2}\) – the partial correlation of Y with X1 controlling for X2
How does the semi-partial correlation compare to the zero-order correlation?
\[\large r_{Y(1.2)} = r_{Y1}\]
How does the partial correlation compare to the zero-order correlation?
\[\large r_{Y1.2} \neq r_{Y1}\]
The semi-partial correlation is most often used when we want to show that some variable \(Z\) adds incremental variance in \(Y\) above and beyond another \(X\) variable.
The partial correlations most often used when some third variable, \(Z\), is a plausible explanation of the correlation between \(X\) and \(Y\)
We’ll use a dataset containing three variables: happiness, extraversion, and social support. There’s some evidence that individuals high in extraversion experience more happiness. Is this because they receive more social support? If so, then the correlation between extraversion and happiness will be close to zero after accounting for social support.
Extraversion Happiness SocSup
Extraversion 1.000 0.559 0.441
Happiness 0.559 1.000 0.445
SocSup 0.441 0.445 1.000
The zero-order correlation between Happiness and Extraversion is 0.559
estimate p.value statistic n gp Method
1 0.4040325 4.252627e-07 5.300267 147 1 pearson
The semi-partial correlation between Happiness and Extraversion is 0.404
Extraversion Happiness SocSup
Extraversion 1.000 0.559 0.441
Happiness 0.559 1.000 0.445
SocSup 0.441 0.445 1.000
The zero-order correlation between Happiness and Extraversion is 0.559
estimate p.value statistic n gp Method
1 0.4512658 1.087597e-08 6.068191 147 1 pearson
The partial correlation between Happiness and Extraversion is 0.451
Recall that the residuals of a univariate regression equation are the part of the outcome \((Y)\) that is independent of the predictor \((X)\).
\[\Large \hat{Y} = b_0 + b_1X\] \[\Large e_i = Y_i - \hat{Y_i}\] We can use this to construct a measure of \(X_1\) that is independent of \(X_2\):
\[\Large \hat{X}_{1.2} = b_0 + b_1X_2\]
\[\Large e_{X_1} = X_1 - \hat{X}_{1.2}\]
We can either correlate that value with Y, to calculate our semi-partial correlation:
\[\Large r_{e_{X_1},Y} = r_{Y(1.2)}\]
Or we can calculate a measure of Y that is also independent of \(X_2\) and correlate that with our \(X_1\) residuals.
\[\Large \hat{Y} = b_0 + b_1X_2\]
\[\Large e_{Y} = Y - \hat{Y}\]
\[\Large r_{e_{X_1},e_{Y}} = r_{Y1.2}\]
# create measure of happiness independent of social support
mod.hap = lm(Happiness ~ SocSup, data = data)
data.hap = broom::augment(mod.hap)
# create measure of extraversion independent of social support
mod.ext = lm(Extraversion ~ SocSup, data = data)
data.ext = broom::augment(mod.ext)
cor(data.ext$.resid, # residual of extraversion (X)
data$Happiness) # original Happiness (Y)
[1] 0.4040325
cor(data.ext$.resid, # residual of extraversion (X)
data.hap$.resid) # residual of Happiness (Y)
[1] 0.4512658
Multiple regression