Factorial ANOVA

Factorial ANOVA

The interaction of two or more categorical variables in a general linear model is formally known as Factorial ANOVA .

A factorial design is used when there is an interest in how two or more variables (or factors) affect the outcome.

  • Rather than conduct separate one-way ANOVAs for each factor, they are all included in one analysis.

  • The unique and important advantage to a factorial ANOVA over separate one-way ANOVAs is the ability to examine interactions.

Data <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uopsych/psy612/master/data/hand_eye_task.csv")

The example data are from a simulated study in which 180 participants performed an eye-hand coordination task in which they were required to keep a mouse pointer on a red dot that moved in a circular motion.

The outcome was the time of the 10th failure. The experiment used a completely crossed, 3 x 3 factorial design. One factor was dot speed: .5, 1, or 1.5 revolutions per second. The second factor was noise condition: no noise, controllable noise, and uncontrollable noise. The design was balanced.

Marginal means

Noise Fast Medium Slow Marginal
Controllable 287.23 492.72 576.67 452.21
None 329.28 525.29 630.72 495.10
Uncontrollable 268.16 304.62 594.44 389.08
Marginal 294.89 440.88 600.61 445.46

Regardless of noise condition, does speed of the moving dot affect performance?

Marginal means

Noise Fast Medium Slow Marginal
Controllable 287.23 492.72 576.67 452.21
None 329.28 525.29 630.72 495.10
Uncontrollable 268.16 304.62 594.44 389.08
Marginal 294.89 440.88 600.61 445.46

Regardless of dot speed, does noise condition affect performance?

Marginal means

Noise Fast Medium Slow Marginal
Controllable 287.23 492.72 576.67 452.21
None 329.28 525.29 630.72 495.10
Uncontrollable 268.16 304.62 594.44 389.08
Marginal 294.89 440.88 600.61 445.46

The marginal mean differences correspond to main effects. They tell us what impact a particular factor has, ignoring the impact of the other factor.

Marginal means

Noise Fast Medium Slow Marginal
Controllable 287.23 492.72 576.67 452.21
None 329.28 525.29 630.72 495.10
Uncontrollable 268.16 304.62 594.44 389.08
Marginal 294.89 440.88 600.61 445.46

The remaining effect in a factorial design, and it primary advantage over separate one-way ANOVAs, is the ability to examine simple main effects, sometimes called conditional effects.

Mean differences

Noise Fast Medium Slow Marginal
Controllable 287.23 492.72 576.67 452.21
None 329.28 525.29 630.72 495.10
Uncontrollable 268.16 304.62 594.44 389.08
Marginal 294.89 440.88 600.61 445.46

Are the marginal mean differences for noise condition a good representation of what is happening within each of the dot speed conditions?

If not, then we would need to say that the noise condition effect depends upon (is conditional on) dot speed.

The noise condition means are most distinctly different in the medium speed condition. The noise condition means are clearly not different in the fast speed condition.

Interpretation of interactions

The presence of an interaction qualifies any main effect conclusions, leading to “yes, but” or “it depends” kinds of inferences.

Does noise condition affect failure time?

“Yes, but the magnitude of the effect is strongest for the medium speed condition, weaker for the fast speed condition, and mostly absent for the slow speed condition.”

Interactions are symmetrical

The speed condition means are clearly different in each noise condition, but the pattern of those differences is not the same

The marginal speed condition means do not represent well the means in each noise condition.

An interaction.

Null Hypotheses

Slow Medium Fast Marginal
No Noise \(\mu_{11}\) \(\mu_{12}\) \(\mu_{13}\) \(\mu_{1.}\)
Controllable \(\mu_{21}\) \(\mu_{22}\) \(\mu_{23}\) \(\mu_{2.}\)
Uncontrollable \(\mu_{31}\) \(\mu_{32}\) \(\mu_{33}\) \(\mu_{3.}\)
Marginal \(\mu_{.1}\) \(\mu_{.2}\) \(\mu_{.3}\) \(\mu_{..}\)

The two main effects and the interaction represent three independent questions we can ask about the data. We have three null hypotheses to test.

One null hypothesis refers to the marginal row means.

Null Hypotheses

Slow Medium Fast Marginal
No Noise \(\mu_{11}\) \(\mu_{12}\) \(\mu_{13}\) \(\mu_{1.}\)
Controllable \(\mu_{21}\) \(\mu_{22}\) \(\mu_{23}\) \(\mu_{2.}\)
Uncontrollable \(\mu_{31}\) \(\mu_{32}\) \(\mu_{33}\) \(\mu_{3.}\)
Marginal \(\mu_{.1}\) \(\mu_{.2}\) \(\mu_{.3}\) \(\mu_{..}\)

\[ \begin{aligned} H_0&: \mu_{1.} = \mu_{2.} = \dots = \mu_{R.}\\ H_1&: \text{Not true that }\mu_{1.} = \mu_{2.} = \dots = \mu_{R.} \end{aligned} \]

Null Hypotheses

Slow Medium Fast Marginal
No Noise \(\mu_{11}\) \(\mu_{12}\) \(\mu_{13}\) \(\mu_{1.}\)
Controllable \(\mu_{21}\) \(\mu_{22}\) \(\mu_{23}\) \(\mu_{2.}\)
Uncontrollable \(\mu_{31}\) \(\mu_{32}\) \(\mu_{33}\) \(\mu_{3.}\)
Marginal \(\mu_{.1}\) \(\mu_{.2}\) \(\mu_{.3}\) \(\mu_{..}\)

We can state this differently:

\[ \begin{aligned} \alpha_r&= \mu_{r.} - \mu_{..} \\ H_0&: \alpha_1 = \alpha_2 = \dots = \alpha_R = 0\\ H_1&: \text{At least one }\alpha_r \neq 0 \end{aligned} \]

Null Hypotheses

Slow Medium Fast Marginal
No Noise \(\mu_{11}\) \(\mu_{12}\) \(\mu_{13}\) \(\mu_{1.}\)
Controllable \(\mu_{21}\) \(\mu_{22}\) \(\mu_{23}\) \(\mu_{2.}\)
Uncontrollable \(\mu_{31}\) \(\mu_{32}\) \(\mu_{33}\) \(\mu_{3.}\)
Marginal \(\mu_{.1}\) \(\mu_{.2}\) \(\mu_{.3}\) \(\mu_{..}\)

The main effect for dot speed can be stated similarly:

\[ \begin{aligned} \beta_c&= \mu_{.c} - \mu_{..} \\ H_0&: \beta_1 = \beta_2 = \dots = \beta_C = 0\\ H_1&: \text{At least one }\beta_c \neq 0 \end{aligned} \]

Null Hypothesis

Slow Medium Fast Marginal
No Noise \(\mu_{11}\) \(\mu_{12}\) \(\mu_{13}\) \(\mu_{1.}\)
Controllable \(\mu_{21}\) \(\mu_{22}\) \(\mu_{23}\) \(\mu_{2.}\)
Uncontrollable \(\mu_{31}\) \(\mu_{32}\) \(\mu_{33}\) \(\mu_{3.}\)
Marginal \(\mu_{.1}\) \(\mu_{.2}\) \(\mu_{.3}\) \(\mu_{..}\)

The interaction null hypothesis can then be stated as follows:

\[ \begin{aligned} (\alpha\beta)_{rc}&= \mu_{rc} - \alpha_r - \beta_c - \mu_{..} \\ H_0&: (\alpha\beta)_{11} = (\alpha\beta)_{12} = \dots = (\alpha\beta)_{RC} = 0\\ H_1&: \text{At least one }(\alpha\beta)_{rc} \neq 0 \end{aligned} \]


As was true for the simpler one-way ANOVA, we will partition the total variability in the data matrix into two basic parts.

One part will represent variability within groups . This within-group variability is variability that has nothing to do with the experimental conditions (all participants within a particular group experience the same experimental conditions).

The other part will be between-group variability . This part will include variability due to experimental conditions. We will further partition this between-group variability into parts due to the two main effects and the interaction.


\[ \begin{aligned} SS_{\text{total}} &= \sum_{r=1}^R\sum_{c=1}^C\sum_{i=1}^{N_{rc}}(Y_{rci}-\bar{Y}_{...})^2 \\ SS_{\text{Within}} &= \sum_{r=1}^R\sum_{c=1}^C\sum_{i=1}^{N_{rc}}(Y_{rci}-\bar{Y}_{rc.})^2 \\ SS_R &= CN\sum_{r=1}^R(\bar{Y}_{r..}-\bar{Y}_{...})^2\\ SS_C &= RN\sum_{c=1}^C(\bar{Y}_{.c.}-\bar{Y}_{...})^2\\ SS_{RC} &= N\sum_{r=1}^R\sum_{c=1}^C(\bar{Y}_{rc.}-\bar{Y}_{r..}-\bar{Y}_{.c.}+\bar{Y}_{...})^2 \\ \end{aligned} \]


If the design is balanced (equal observations in all conditions), then:

\[ SS_{\text{total}} = SS_{\text{within}} + SS_R + SS_C + SS_{RxC}\]


\(df\), \(MS\), and \(F\) ratios are defined in the same way as they were for one-way ANOVA. We just have more of them. \[ \begin{aligned} df_R &= R-1 \\ df_C &= C-1 \\ df_{RxC} &= (R-1)(C-1) \\ df_{within} &= N-G \\ &= N-(R-1)-(C-1)-[(R-1)(C-1)]-1\\ &= df_{total} - df_{R} - df_C - df_{RxC} \end{aligned} \]


\(df\), \(MS\), and \(F\) ratios are defined in the same way as they were for one-way ANOVA. We just have more of them.

\[ \begin{aligned} MS_R &= \frac{SS_R}{df_R} \\ MS_C &= \frac{SS_C}{df_C} \\ MS_{RxC} &= \frac{SS_{RxC}}{df_{RxC}} \\ MS_{within} &= \frac{SS_{within}}{df_{within}} \\ \end{aligned} \]

Each mean square is a variance estimate. \(MS_{within}\) is the pooled estimate of the within-groups variance. It represents only random or residual variation. \(MS_R\), \(MS_C\), and \(MS_{RxC}\) also contain random variation, but include systematic variability too.


\(df\), \(MS\), and \(F\) ratios are defined in the same way as they were for one-way ANOVA. We just have more of them.

\[ \begin{aligned} F_R &= \frac{MS_R}{MS_{within}} \\ \\ F_C &= \frac{MS_C}{MS_{within}} \\ \\ F_{RxC} &= \frac{MS_{RxC}}{MS_{within}} \\ \end{aligned} \]

If the null hypotheses are true, these ratios will be ~1.00 because the numerator and denominator of each estimate the same thing. Departures from 1.00 indicate that systematic variability is present. If large enough, we reject the null hypothesis (each considered separately).

Degrees of freedom

The degrees of freedom for the different F ratios might not be the same. Different degrees of freedom define different theoretical F density distributions for determining what is an unusual value under the null hypothesis.

Which is to say, you might get the same F-ratio for two different tests, but they could have different p-values, if they represent different numbers of groups.

Interpretation of significance tests

fit = lm(Time ~ Speed*Noise, data = Data)
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: Time
             Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value                Pr(>F)    
Speed         2 2805871 1402936 109.3975 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
Noise         2  341315  170658  13.3075           0.000004252 ***
Speed:Noise   4  295720   73930   5.7649             0.0002241 ***
Residuals   171 2192939   12824                                   
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


All three null hypotheses are rejected. This only tells us that systemic differences among the means are present; follow-up comparisons are necessary to determine the nature of the differences.

Interpretation of significance tests

fit = lm(Time ~ Speed*Noise, data = Data)
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: Time
             Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value                Pr(>F)    
Speed         2 2805871 1402936 109.3975 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
Noise         2  341315  170658  13.3075           0.000004252 ***
Speed:Noise   4  295720   73930   5.7649             0.0002241 ***
Residuals   171 2192939   12824                                   
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Both main effects and the interaction are significant.

The significant interaction qualifies the main effects:

  • The magnitude of the speed main effect varies across the noise conditions.
  • The magnitude of the noise main effect varies across the speed conditions.

Visualizing main effects and interactions

Different combinations of main effects and interactions yield different shapes when plotted. An important skill is recognizing how plots will change based on the presence or absence of specific effects.

Main effects are tests of differences in means; a significant main effect will yield a difference – the mean of Group 1 will be different than the mean of Group 2, for example.

Interactions are tests of the differences of differences of means – is the difference between Group 1 and Group 2 different in Condition A than that difference is in Condition B, for example.

Visualizing main effects and interactions

Visualizing main effects and interactions

Visualizing main effects and interactions

Visualizing main effects and interactions

How would you plot….

  • A main effect of A, no main effect of B, and no interaction?
  • A main effect of A, a main effect of B, and no interaction?
  • No main effect of A, a main effect of B, and an interaction?

Effect size

All of the effects in the ANOVA are statistically significant, but how big are they? An effect size, \(\eta^2\), provides a simple way of indexing effect magnitude for ANOVA designs, especially as they get more complex.

\[ \eta^2 = \frac{SS_{\text{effect}}}{SS_{\text{total}}}\] If the design is balanced…

\[ SS_{\text{total}} = SS_{\text{speed}} + SS_{\text{noise}}+SS_{\text{speed:noise}}+SS_{\text{within}}\]

Source SS eta 2 partial eta 2
Speed 2805871.4 0.50 0.56
Noise 341315.2 0.06 0.13
Speed:Noise 295719.7 0.05 0.12
Residuals 2192938.9

The Speed main effect accounts for 8 to 9 times as much variance in the outcome as the Noise main effect and the Speed x Noise interaction.


If the design is balanced:

There is no overlap among the independent variables. They are uncorrelated.

The variance accounted for by any effect is unique. There is no ambiguity about the source of variance accounted for in the outcome.

The sum of the \(\eta^2\) for effects and residual is 1.00.


One argument against \(\eta^2\) is that its magnitude depends in part on the magnitude of the other effects in the design. If the amount of variability due to Noise or Speed x Noise changes, so to does the effect size for Speed.

\[ \eta^2_{\text{speed}} = \frac{SS_{\text{speed}}}{SS_{\text{speed}} + SS_{\text{noise}} + SS_{\text{speed:noise}}+ SS_{\text{within}}}\]


An alternative is to pretend the other effects do not exist and reference the effect sum of squares to residual variability.

\[ \text{partial }\eta^2_{\text{speed}} = \frac{SS_{\text{speed}}}{SS_{\text{speed}} + SS_{\text{within}}}\]


One rationale for partial \(\eta^2\) is that the residual variability represents the expected variability in the absence of any treatments or manipulations. The presence of any treatments or manipulations only adds to total variability. Viewed from that perspective, residual variability is a sensible benchmark against which to judge any effect.

\[ \text{partial }\eta^2_{\text{effect}} = \frac{SS_{\text{effect}}}{SS_{\text{effect}} + SS_{\text{within}}}\]

Partial \(\eta^2\) is sometimes described as the expected effect size in a study in which the effect in question is the only effect present.

Source SS eta2 partial eta2
Speed 2805871.4 0.50 0.56
Noise 341315.2 0.06 0.13
Speed:Noise 295719.7 0.05 0.12
Residuals 2192938.9

Partial \(\eta^2\) will be larger than \(\eta^2\) if the ignored effects account for any variability.

The sum of partial \(\eta^2\) does not have a meaningful interpretation.

Differences in means

In a factorial design, marginal means or cell means must be calculated in order to interpret main effects and the interaction, respectively. The confidence intervals around those means likewise are needed.

Noise Fast Medium Slow Marginal
Controllable 287.23 492.72 576.67 452.21
None 329.28 525.29 630.72 495.10
Uncontrollable 268.16 304.62 594.44 389.08
Marginal 294.89 440.88 600.61 445.46


If the homogeneity of variances assumption holds, a common estimate of score variability \((MS_{within})\) underlies all of the confidence intervals.

\[ SE_{mean} = \sqrt{\frac{MS_{within}}{N}}\]

\[ CI_{mean} = Mean \pm t_{df_{within}, \alpha = .05}\sqrt{\frac{MS_{within}}{N}}\]

The sample size, \(N\), depends on how many cases are aggregated to create the mean.

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: Time
             Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value                Pr(>F)    
Speed         2 2805871 1402936 109.3975 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
Noise         2  341315  170658  13.3075           0.000004252 ***
Speed:Noise   4  295720   73930   5.7649             0.0002241 ***
Residuals   171 2192939   12824                                   
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

To get individual cell means, we ask for all combinations of our two predictor variables:

emmeans(fit, ~Noise*Speed)
 Noise          Speed  emmean   SE  df lower.CL upper.CL
 Controllable   Fast      287 25.3 171      237      337
 None           Fast      329 25.3 171      279      379
 Uncontrollable Fast      268 25.3 171      218      318
 Controllable   Medium    493 25.3 171      443      543
 None           Medium    525 25.3 171      475      575
 Uncontrollable Medium    305 25.3 171      255      355
 Controllable   Slow      577 25.3 171      527      627
 None           Slow      631 25.3 171      581      681
 Uncontrollable Slow      594 25.3 171      544      644

Confidence level used: 0.95 

The emmeans() function can also produce marginal and cell means along with their confidence intervals. These are the marginal means for the Noise main effect.

noise_emm = emmeans(fit, ~Noise)
 Noise          emmean   SE  df lower.CL upper.CL
 Controllable      452 14.6 171      423      481
 None              495 14.6 171      466      524
 Uncontrollable    389 14.6 171      360      418

Results are averaged over the levels of: Speed 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

In sjPlot(), predicted values are the expected value of Y given all possible values of X, at specific values of M . If you don’t provide specific values of M, you’ll get a plot with all possible values.

plot_model(fit, type = "pred", 
           terms = c("Noise", "Speed")) + 
  theme_sjplot(base_size = 20) + 
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

In sjPlot(), predicted values are the expected value of Y given all possible values of X, at specific values of M . If you don’t specify M at all, it will choose the reference group of M.

type = "pred" gives you cell means.

plot_model(fit, type = "pred", 
           terms = c("Noise")) + 
  theme_sjplot(base_size = 20) + 
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

In sjPlot(), predicted values are the expected value of Y given all possible values of X, at specific values of M . If you don’t specify M at all, it will choose the reference group of M.

type = "pred" gives you cell means.

plot_model(fit, type = "pred", 
           terms = c("Noise", 
                     "Speed[Fast]")) + 
  theme_sjplot(base_size = 20) + 
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

In sjPlot(), estimated marginal means are the expected value of Y given all possible values of X, ignoring M .

type = "emm" gives you marginal means.

plot_model(fit, type = "emm", 
           terms = c("Noise")) + 
  theme_sjplot(base_size = 20) + 
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")


A reminder that comparing the confidence intervals for two means (overlap) is not the same as the confidence interval for the difference between two means.

\[ \begin{aligned} SE_{\text{mean}} &= \sqrt{\frac{MS_{within}}{N}}\\ SE_{\text{mean difference}} &= \sqrt{MS_{within}[\frac{1}{N_1}+\frac{1}{N_2}]} \\ SE_{\text{mean difference}} &= \sqrt{\frac{2MS_{within}}{N}} \\ \end{aligned} \]

Cohen’s D

\(\eta^2\) is useful for comparing the relative effect sizes of one factor to another. If you want to compare the differences between groups, Cohen’s d is the more appropriate metric. Like in a t-test, you’ll divide the differences in means by the pooled standard deviation. The pooled variance estimate is the \(MS_{\text{error}}\)

fit = lm(Time ~ Speed*Noise, data = Data)
anova(fit)[,"Mean Sq"]
[1] 1402935.71  170657.62   73929.93   12824.20
MS_error = anova(fit)[,"Mean Sq"][4]

So to get the pooled standard deviation:

pooled_sd = sqrt(MS_error)

Cohen’s D

(noise_df = as.data.frame(noise_emm))
 Noise          emmean   SE  df lower.CL upper.CL
 Controllable      452 14.6 171      423      481
 None              495 14.6 171      466      524
 Uncontrollable    389 14.6 171      360      418

Results are averaged over the levels of: Speed 
Confidence level used: 0.95 
(d_none_control = diff(noise_df[c(1,2), "emmean"])/pooled_sd)
[1] 0.3787367


The likelihood of finding an effect if the effect actually exists. Power gets larger as we:

  • increase our sample size
  • reduce (error) variance
  • raise our Type I error rate
  • study larger effects

Power (omnibus test)

When calculating power for the omnibus test, use the expected multiple \(R^2\) value to calculate an effect size:

\[ f^2 = \frac{R^2}{1-R^2}\]

Power (omnibus test)

R2 = .10
(f = R2/(1-R2))
[1] 0.1111111
pwr.f2.test(u = 3, # number of predictors in the model
            f2 = f, 
            sig.level = .05, #alpha
            power =.90) # desired power

     Multiple regression power calculation 

              u = 3
              v = 127.5235
             f2 = 0.1111111
      sig.level = 0.05
          power = 0.9

v is the denominator df of freedom, so the number of participants needed is v + p + 1.

Power for pairwise comparisons

The comparison of two cell means is analogous to what test?

An independent samples t-test. We can use the Cohen’s D value for any pairwise comparison to examine power.

(noise_df = as.data.frame(noise_emm))
 Noise          emmean   SE  df lower.CL upper.CL
 Controllable      452 14.6 171      423      481
 None              495 14.6 171      466      524
 Uncontrollable    389 14.6 171      360      418

Results are averaged over the levels of: Speed 
Confidence level used: 0.95 
(d_none_control = diff(noise_df[c(1,2), "emmean"])/pooled_sd)
[1] 0.3787367
pwr.t.test(d = d_none_control, sig.level = .05, power = .90)

     Two-sample t test power calculation 

              n = 147.4716
              d = 0.3787367
      sig.level = 0.05
          power = 0.9
    alternative = two.sided

NOTE: n is number in *each* group

Follow-up comparisons

Interpretation of the main effects and interaction in a factorial design will usually require follow-up comparisons. These need to be conducted at the level of the effect.

Interpretation of a main effect requires comparisons among the marginal means .

Interpretation of the interaction requires comparisons among the cell means .

The emmeans package makes these comparisons very easy to conduct.

Marginal means comparisons

emmeans(fit, pairwise~Noise, adjust = "holm")
 Noise          emmean   SE  df lower.CL upper.CL
 Controllable      452 14.6 171      423      481
 None              495 14.6 171      466      524
 Uncontrollable    389 14.6 171      360      418

Results are averaged over the levels of: Speed 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

 contrast                      estimate   SE  df t.ratio p.value
 Controllable - None              -42.9 20.7 171  -2.074  0.0395
 Controllable - Uncontrollable     63.1 20.7 171   3.053  0.0052
 None - Uncontrollable            106.0 20.7 171   5.128  <.0001

Results are averaged over the levels of: Speed 
P value adjustment: holm method for 3 tests 

Cell means comparisons

emmeans(fit, pairwise~Noise*Speed, adjust = "holm")
 Noise          Speed  emmean   SE  df lower.CL upper.CL
 Controllable   Fast      287 25.3 171      237      337
 None           Fast      329 25.3 171      279      379
 Uncontrollable Fast      268 25.3 171      218      318
 Controllable   Medium    493 25.3 171      443      543
 None           Medium    525 25.3 171      475      575
 Uncontrollable Medium    305 25.3 171      255      355
 Controllable   Slow      577 25.3 171      527      627
 None           Slow      631 25.3 171      581      681
 Uncontrollable Slow      594 25.3 171      544      644

Confidence level used: 0.95 

 contrast                                    estimate   SE  df t.ratio p.value
 Controllable Fast - None Fast                  -42.0 35.8 171  -1.174  1.0000
 Controllable Fast - Uncontrollable Fast         19.1 35.8 171   0.533  1.0000
 Controllable Fast - Controllable Medium       -205.5 35.8 171  -5.738  <.0001
 Controllable Fast - None Medium               -238.1 35.8 171  -6.648  <.0001
 Controllable Fast - Uncontrollable Medium      -17.4 35.8 171  -0.486  1.0000
 Controllable Fast - Controllable Slow         -289.4 35.8 171  -8.082  <.0001
 Controllable Fast - None Slow                 -343.5 35.8 171  -9.592  <.0001
 Controllable Fast - Uncontrollable Slow       -307.2 35.8 171  -8.579  <.0001
 None Fast - Uncontrollable Fast                 61.1 35.8 171   1.707  0.9867
 None Fast - Controllable Medium               -163.4 35.8 171  -4.564  0.0002
 None Fast - None Medium                       -196.0 35.8 171  -5.473  <.0001
 None Fast - Uncontrollable Medium               24.7 35.8 171   0.689  1.0000
 None Fast - Controllable Slow                 -247.4 35.8 171  -6.908  <.0001
 None Fast - None Slow                         -301.4 35.8 171  -8.418  <.0001
 None Fast - Uncontrollable Slow               -265.2 35.8 171  -7.405  <.0001
 Uncontrollable Fast - Controllable Medium     -224.6 35.8 171  -6.271  <.0001
 Uncontrollable Fast - None Medium             -257.1 35.8 171  -7.180  <.0001
 Uncontrollable Fast - Uncontrollable Medium    -36.5 35.8 171  -1.018  1.0000
 Uncontrollable Fast - Controllable Slow       -308.5 35.8 171  -8.615  <.0001
 Uncontrollable Fast - None Slow               -362.6 35.8 171 -10.124  <.0001
 Uncontrollable Fast - Uncontrollable Slow     -326.3 35.8 171  -9.111  <.0001
 Controllable Medium - None Medium              -32.6 35.8 171  -0.910  1.0000
 Controllable Medium - Uncontrollable Medium    188.1 35.8 171   5.252  <.0001
 Controllable Medium - Controllable Slow        -84.0 35.8 171  -2.344  0.2627
 Controllable Medium - None Slow               -138.0 35.8 171  -3.854  0.0026
 Controllable Medium - Uncontrollable Slow     -101.7 35.8 171  -2.841  0.0707
 None Medium - Uncontrollable Medium            220.7 35.8 171   6.162  <.0001
 None Medium - Controllable Slow                -51.4 35.8 171  -1.435  1.0000
 None Medium - None Slow                       -105.4 35.8 171  -2.944  0.0553
 None Medium - Uncontrollable Slow              -69.2 35.8 171  -1.931  0.6615
 Uncontrollable Medium - Controllable Slow     -272.1 35.8 171  -7.597  <.0001
 Uncontrollable Medium - None Slow             -326.1 35.8 171  -9.106  <.0001
 Uncontrollable Medium - Uncontrollable Slow   -289.8 35.8 171  -8.093  <.0001
 Controllable Slow - None Slow                  -54.1 35.8 171  -1.509  1.0000
 Controllable Slow - Uncontrollable Slow        -17.8 35.8 171  -0.496  1.0000
 None Slow - Uncontrollable Slow                 36.3 35.8 171   1.013  1.0000

P value adjustment: holm method for 36 tests 


You can check the assumptions of the factorial ANOVA in much the same way you check them for multiple regression; but given the categorical nature of the predictors, some assumptions are easier to check.

Homogeneity of variance, for example, can be tested using Levene’s test, instead of examining a plot.

leveneTest(Time ~ Speed*Noise, data = Data)
Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance (center = median)
       Df F value Pr(>F)
group   8  0.5879  0.787

Unbalanced designs

If designs are balanced, then the main effects and interpretation effects are independent/orthogonal. In other words, knowing what condition a case is in on Variable 1 will not make it any easier to guess what condition they were part of in Variable 2.

However, if your design is unbalanced, the main effects and interaction effect are partly confounded.

table(Data2$Level, Data2$Noise)
       Controllable Uncontrollable
  Soft           10             30
  Loud           20             20

Sums of Squares

In a Venn diagram, the overlap represents the variance shared by the variables. Now there is variance accounted for in the outcome (Time) that cannot be unambiguously attributed to just one of the predictors There are several options for handling the ambiguous regions.

Sums of Squares (III)

Type III sums of squares is the easiest to understand—the overlapping variance accounted for goes unclaimed by any variable. Effects can only account for the unique variance that they share with the outcome. This is the default in many other statistical programs, including SPSS and SAS.

Sums of Squares (I)

Type I sums of squares allocates the overlapping variance according to some priority rule. All of the variance is claimed, but the rule needs to be justified well or else suspicions about p-hacking are likely. The rule might be based on theory or causal priority or methodological argument.

Sums of Squares (I)

If a design is quite unbalanced, different orders of effects can produce quite different results.

fit_1 = aov(Time ~ Noise + Level, data = Data2)
            Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value        Pr(>F)    
Noise        1  579478  579478   41.78 0.00000000844 ***
Level        1  722588  722588   52.10 0.00000000032 ***
Residuals   77 1067848   13868                          
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
lsr::etaSquared(fit_1, type = 1)
         eta.sq eta.sq.part
Noise 0.2445144   0.3517689
Level 0.3049006   0.4035822

Sums of Squares (I)

If a design is quite unbalanced, different orders of effects can produce quite different results.

fit_1 = aov(Time ~ Level + Noise, data = Data2)
            Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value            Pr(>F)    
Level        1 1035872 1035872   74.69 0.000000000000586 ***
Noise        1  266194  266194   19.20 0.000036815466646 ***
Residuals   77 1067848   13868                              
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
lsr::etaSquared(fit_1, type = 1)
         eta.sq eta.sq.part
Level 0.4370927   0.4924002
Noise 0.1123222   0.1995395

Sums of Squares (II)

Type II sums of squares are commonly used but also a bit more complex to understand.

A technically correct description is that a target effect is allocated the proportion of variance in the outcome that is unshared with other effects that do not contain the target.

Sums of Squares (II)

In an A x B design, the A effect is the proportion of variance that is accounted for by A after removing the variance accounted for by B.

The A x B interaction is allocated the proportion of variance that is accounted for by A x B after removing the variance accounted for by A and B.

There is no convenient way to illustrate this in a Venn diagram.

Sums of Squares

Effect Type I Type II Type III

The aov( ) function in R produces Type I sums of squares. The Anova( ) function from the car package provides Type II and Type III sums of squares.

These work as expected provided the predictors are factors.

Anova(aov(fit), type = "II")
Anova Table (Type II tests)

Response: Time
             Sum Sq  Df  F value                Pr(>F)    
Speed       2805871   2 109.3975 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
Noise        341315   2  13.3075           0.000004252 ***
Speed:Noise  295720   4   5.7649             0.0002241 ***
Residuals   2192939 171                                   
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

All of the between-subjects variance is accounted for by an effect in Type I sums of squares. The sums of squares for each effect and the residual will equal the total sum of squares.

For Type II and Type III sums of squares, the sums of squares for effects and residual will be less than the total sum of squares. Some variance (in the form of SS) goes unclaimed.

The highest order effect (assuming standard ordering) has the same SS in all three models.

When a design is balanced, Type I, II, and III sums of squares are equivalent.

Summary (and Regression)

Factorial ANOVA is the method by which we can examine whether two (or more) categorical IVs have joint effects on a continuous outcome of interest. Like all general linear models, factorial ANOVA is a specific case of multiple regression. However, we may choose to use an ANOVA framework for the sake of interpretability.

Factorial ANOVA

Interaction tests whether there are differences in mean differences.

A (marginal) main effect is the effect of IV1 on the DV ignoring IV2.

A simple main effect is the effect of IV1 on the DV at a specific level of IV2


Interaction tests whether differences in slopes.

A marginal effect (MEM or AME) is the typica effect of IV1 at the mean of the other variable or across the sample (respectively).

A simple slope is the effect of IV1 on the DV assuming IV2 is a specific value.

Factorial ANOVA

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: Time
             Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value                Pr(>F)    
Speed         2 2805871 1402936 109.3975 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
Noise         2  341315  170658  13.3075           0.000004252 ***
Speed:Noise   4  295720   73930   5.7649             0.0002241 ***
Residuals   171 2192939   12824                                   
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1



lm(formula = Time ~ Speed * Noise, data = Data)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-316.23  -70.82    4.99   79.87  244.40 

                                Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)                      287.234     25.322  11.343
SpeedMedium                      205.483     35.811   5.738
SpeedSlow                        289.439     35.811   8.082
NoiseNone                         42.045     35.811   1.174
NoiseUncontrollable              -19.072     35.811  -0.533
SpeedMedium:NoiseNone             -9.472     50.644  -0.187
SpeedSlow:NoiseNone               12.007     50.644   0.237
SpeedMedium:NoiseUncontrollable -169.023     50.644  -3.337
SpeedSlow:NoiseUncontrollable     36.843     50.644   0.727
(Intercept)                     < 0.0000000000000002 ***
SpeedMedium                        0.000000042666641 ***
SpeedSlow                          0.000000000000111 ***
NoiseNone                                    0.24200    
NoiseUncontrollable                          0.59502    
SpeedMedium:NoiseNone                        0.85185    
SpeedSlow:NoiseNone                          0.81287    
SpeedMedium:NoiseUncontrollable              0.00104 ** 
SpeedSlow:NoiseUncontrollable                0.46792    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 113.2 on 171 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.6109,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.5927 
F-statistic: 33.56 on 8 and 171 DF,  p-value: < 0.00000000000000022

Next time…

Powering interactions
